

A Mystical Love Story
Maya is a tale of self-discovery driven by love. After a terrible traffic accident, A.J. Wilde--a gifted, but cynical artist--flees to Mexico to reclaim his life. There, he falls in love with a magical beauty from a dream-like realm...Maya. But to be with her, he must first transform himself…

Taking us to a Timeless Realm.
Led by Maya beyond normal reality, we enter a timeless realm filled with magic and mystery. But the journey is not always easy. Both terrifying and transcendent, A.J. struggles to make sense of it all on his path to fulfill the yearnings of his heart.

Based on Direct Experiences.
Because Maya depicts altered states and super-ordinary events, the story might be seen as a fantasy, magic–realism and beyond. However, the key elements portrayed are actually inspired by direct experiences from the director’s fifteen years of shamanic practice.

Demanding a Unique Visual Language.
To express these vivid, mystical realities, a unique visual language was developed that combines watercolor paintings, live-action photography, and the latest digital effects. High technology for high consciousness.

Re-enchanting us With the Divine.
More and more recent films have celebrated the spiritual dimension of life: Whale Rider, What the Bleep..., Lord of the Rings, Crouching Tiger and many others. Their success in these uncertain times, is a barometer of the public’s yearning for a re-enchantment with the sacred. The timing is perfect for a movie like Maya.